Giving value and worth to people on earth™



We’re here to help you:

– Fulfill and enrich your mission or vision while building company value utilizing one of your greatest assets, your human capital.
– Enhance your company culture.



Starting with your company mission and bedrock values, employees engage in an exploration process to discover how their talents and skills fit into and enhance company progress. Then, using our Seven Keys to Success and Winning With Challenges modules they put together a plan to create forward momentum to carry out the company mission.


Our MethodBusiness Thinking

It’s what sets us apart from other seminars and workshops. Research shows that combining right brain (creative) and left brain (cognitive) activities produces enhanced results. Therefore, we’ve designed an unusual blend of cognitive learning and creative art activities to trigger fresh ideas and expand forward thinking in order to produce meaningful, effective results with sustainable impact. Enjoy the process.

Dr. Eduardo Salas, a professor of organizational psychology at the University of Central Florida, has studied corporate training programs for more than two decades. He stated in an article in the Wall Street Journal that what happens before and after a training session is just as important as the actual instruction itself.

With that perspective in mind, The Destiny Experience doesn’t stop with only a workshop. We not only offer the Step One phase (pre-workshop exploration), but also Success Tracking (follow-up sessions) to see that your plans are carried out and the new techniques and tools are kept in tact.


Our Philosophy

In a landmark study, the Gallop organization discovered 12 things employees wanted most in the workplace. At the top of the list:

– Wanting to clearly know what is expected of them
– Having the materials and equipment to do the work right.

Nine out of the other ten are related to the value of the individual. They included things like:

– Consistent, regular recognition or praise for doing a good job
– Wanting someone at work who encourages their development
– Supervisors or someone at work caring about the employee as a person
– Wanting opportunities to learn and grow and being recognized for their progress
– Wanting the opportunity every day to do what they do best (This places value on individual talents and skills.)

Because of this and other research, Destiny 100 Institute developed plans and programs which fulfill the company mission while enriching both company and employee value.

What About Team Building?
We don’t do cake baking, paint ball or tech-savvy treasure hunts. Rather, our programs are designed to involve all the participants and enjoy the process of accomplishing the company mission while enhancing a positive corporate culture. Build the team. Enjoy the process.


The corporate Experience has Three Phases.

1. Step One

Hand drawing empty diagramIn the pre-Workshop Exploration Participants will:

– Discover personal talents and skills, then identify the ones that enrich, feed and fulfill the corporate mission
– Identify values which guide their life and workplace performance as well as their life
– Do exercises in prioritizing
– Discover the importance of celebrating daily accomplishments
– Recognize new ways of defining success
– Take a sneak-peak at the upcoming Destiny Workshop

2. The Destiny Workshop

An amazing all-day experience packed with hands-on activities to produce lasting results.

Some of the modules:

– The Great Asset – How personal talents and skills feed the company mission and add value to the individual in the process.
– The Hub – Realizing company standards and principles and how people play a strong role in building company value. Using what doesn’t change to adapt to change and growth.
– Challenges – How to face challenges and win again and again
– Getting Unstuck – Why you got there. How to get out.
The Seven Keys To Success – What they are and how to use them in the corporate environment – tools you keep using over and over.
– The Real Deal – Putting it all together in practical use.

The bonus: Participants realize that they can use these keys to success both in the workplace and many arenas of life.

3. Success Tracking 

Continuing the forward momentum and accomplishing the desired outcome.

As already stated, Dr. Salas says that what happens before and after a training session is just as important as the actual training session.  Therefore, we offer follow-up sessions to help insure that your plans are carried out to achieve your desired result.



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